Thursday, June 01, 2006

Sun, Sand and Motivation

It has become apparent that I don't get much writing done during the summer months. Coming off a four day weekend I thought about what I'd accomplished. We caught up on yard work, opened the pool and spent time time with the kids. One day was spent visiting with friends, grilling out and using the pool. All in all, not a bad four days by any standards.

But my page count was zero. Its not that I don't have the story jumping around in my head, I just can't seem to get it on paper. Once I'm in front of the computer I'm either pulled away or my mind goes blank. It could be me, or it could be my characters. I'm blaming it on the sun.

I'm writing Malcolm's story. He has proven to be difficult to say the least. The first two women I brought on stage failed miserably. The first one worked for about thirty pages. Then I realized there was no attraction between the two, just fondness and concern. More like a brother. Yikes! The second one, well, he nearly killed her. Then he stopped talking to me completely. When he got over it and introduced his heroine to me all I could do was say 'no way.' He wasnt listening.

We've compromised. He's telling the story and I'm writing it. Or trying to. I've got to get motivated, stop listening to that evil side of me that says 'it's summer, you should be in the pool.' I'm wishing for rain!