Friday, September 29, 2006

Jaguar Moon - First Review Five Stars!

Linda B at The Romance Studio writes...

Miakado was a Leguar, half jaguar and half leopard, and her family had been exciled from the Jaguar Clan. No hybrid was allowed in their clan as they feared inter-breeding would weaken their strength. Miakado grew up in the states where children teased her cruelly for being different, and since her parents had died tradegely trying to save hybrids she felt alone for the first time in her life. It had been six months since their death and she still found it hard to make it on her own. So when she was offered a position in Southern Beliese where she would save hybrids she jumped at the chance to continue her parents fight. Now, it appeared that after twenty-five years the Jaguar Elders needed her to fix the problem that they had created by allowing that monster, Sinock to experiment with the races when he created beings from two animals that should never have been mated! Now some of those beings could not fight the madness of two souls in one body and they went insane, attacking innocent animals. They had the nerve to send an arrogant jerk like Devante who was biased against the hybrids because one raped and killed his sister. No matter, she would not do it. No matter how good he looked!
Prince Devante ruled the sun and in order for him to inherit the throne and be king he needed to be mated with the one who carried the Jaguar Moon in her blood to save his people and there was only one left from its bloodline--Miakoda. But she was not pure of blood, she was a hybrid. He hated hybrids but he had to make her mate with him to save his people. He had to guard his heart at all costs for the sake of his dead sister.
Terri Adkins writes an awesome story that left me speechless! Jaguar Moon was slow in starting but it quickly hooked me by the fourth chapter. Then it became fast paced with hot, sweaty sex that left me breathless. Towards the end I could not wait to see what happened next! Shapeshifters, lions, tigers, jaguars, bears and leopards! Oh my!! This is a must read!

Overall rating: Sensuality
rating: Very sensual
Reviewer: Linda B.
September 28, 2006