Monday, May 14, 2007

This and That

Congratulations to all of the winners in the Scavenger hunt. The response was great and everyone had a wonderful time.

I've quit smoking. Officially, I quit on January 21st, but I wanted to make sure it stuck this time before mentioning it. I tried a new drug on the market called Chantix. Several friends recommended it and it worked for me. It didnt work for my husband. Stopping is an individual thing and what works for one doesnt work for another. He'll keep trying until he finds his own way.

My four year old is covered head to toe in poison ivy. Poor thing, seems he takes after me on that one. Hubby can roll in it, oldest son is a little allergic, but I can catch it if its burned in another state. Seems the little one is gonna have the same problem. He has passed it on to me, across my neck and on one cheek. Seems one of his little hugs left a mark. Definately well worth it.

Guess that's it for now, I'll check in again later.